Paid-members only Chromium Cover IRON MAN #6: Inside The Issue It's all been building up to this: The Insurgent Iron Man. I beg you to read the issue before this FOREVER WARS edition
Paid-members only Chromium Cover IRON MAN #5: Inside The Issue This cover-to-cover fight scene was the hardest thing I've ever had to write in my short comics career. Spoilers for everything, including how I escaped my certain fate
Paid-members only Chromium Cover IRON MAN #4: Inside The Issue Ironheart. The Scarlet Witch. A certain Chicago warehouse complex. Let's talk about the new issue, on sale now, and spoil everything
Paid-members only Chromium Cover Iron Man #3: Inside The Issue It's the conclusion of the Stark-Roxxon War, our first arc. That's not a lot of runway to land a plane. Did we make it? Spoilers for the whole comic follow
Paid-members only Chromium Cover Iron Man #2: Inside The Issue The official canonical story of how Tony Stark got a giant sword—and more secrets revealed! Read at your own risk, because I'm spoiling the whole comic book
Paid-members only Chromium Cover IRON MAN #1 Is Out Now! As we prepared to launch 'The Stark-Roxxon War,' our first arc, we took New York Comic Con by storm. Here's my first con diary as a Comics Creator
Chromium Cover IRON MAN #1 Comes Early To New York Comic Con! Brooklyn's finest, Bulletproof Comics, will have a booth at NYCC that you cannot miss: Damion Scott, Matt Bors, me! Here's my signing schedule
Chromium Cover It's Really Important That You Preorder IRON MAN by Monday So here are some details—including a video trailer!—about what you'll be buying. Also, some journalism (by other people)
Chromium Cover Iron Man = How To Blow Up A Pipeline + Succession Let's peer behind the curtain of my upcoming Iron Man series for Marvel Comics.
Newsletter My Life in No-Impact Journalism The fourth-issue finale of WALLER VS. WILDSTORM is here. And this final behind-the-scenes post of mine will contain major spoilers, so read the issue first.
Paid-members only Chromium Cover A Really Good Place To Be A Climate Refugee Ireland in August is a great place to contemplate the prospect of civilizational collapse.
Chromium Cover "This Is About The Way The WORLD Is About To BE…" Issue 2 of the critically-acclaimed WALLER VS. WILDSTORM is on sale at comic stores everywhere. It's time to build that Wall. PLUS: U.S. intelligence's latest end run around the Constitution: buying your data!
Chromium Cover Kane of Terror WALLER VS WILDSTORM #1 is here! That can only mean one thing: this edition is going to talk about writing one of the major characters in the miniseries. Minor spoilers follow, so get the issue!
Chromium Cover FOREVER WARS: The Escalation I'm going to start writing a column for The Nation. But this newsletter will continue—independently. I'll even reprint the paywalled columns here, for paid subscribers.
Paid-members only Chromium Cover Friend of Jim Lee So I couldn't tell you last week that I was on a panel with the comics heroes of my youth, but here’s video of it. Subscribers only, so subscribe!
Chromium Cover Forever Wars #100 That's how many editions Sam and I produced in the past 52 weeks. Time for some anniversary journalism. Like all anniversary journalism, this edition will be lazy.