Newsletter Pennsylvania Man Charged With Torture Outside Official CIA Channels The Justice Department really had the nerve to boast about indicting its second U.S. citizen under the 1994 federal torture statute. Also: nothing about Ukraine.
Newsletter The Digital Offertory and the Militant Right GiveSendGo isn’t just another far-right Kickstarter clone. It’s an expression of long-established Christian financial frameworks.
Newsletter The CIA Has Been Stealing Your Data For Years We don't know much more than that, but thanks to a bulk-surveillance disclosure last week, we know that.
Newsletter When An Iraqi Traffic Cop Offers To Share The Porn on His Phone I randomly came across a forgotten story I wrote on an embed in Baghdad during the 2007 surge. A real dudes-rock moment from across cultures.
Newsletter 'America Is Not A Land of Crime, Horror, Murder, Hatred, and Bloodshed' Censors on school boards and in legislatures have attacked a vast breadth of literature as “obscene.” You'll be shocked how they define obscenity! PLUS: The death of Whatshisname, leader of ISIS
Newsletter Teamwork Matthew Cole's new book Code Over Country reveals what the War on Terror awoke within SEAL Team 6
Newsletter Iran, Sanctions and Inflation as a Weapon of Mass Destruction In a new paper, an economist reconceives a pillar of U.S. foreign policy as an indiscriminate weapon that works by harming not regimes but their people.
Newsletter Build Back Better (Weapons Sales Only) You wanted health care, affordable housing and a dignified wage? Best I can do is help the arms trade.
Newsletter U.S. Economic Strangulation Could Kill More Afghans Than 20 Years of U.S. War So this is how we "end" Forever Wars: through inflicting by inflicting catastrophic economic damage as an American policy choice. Call it population-centric vengeance.
Newsletter Strawberry Fields Forever The Guantanamo Bay detention facility, an atrocity, turns 20 years old on January 11. Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
Newsletter The Onset of Normalization January 6 was and is a political problem. Without political solutions, there will be more January 6ths.
Newsletter We Hope Yule Log Off Whenever Possible My Christmas present to you is no newsletters until 2022. But first, here’s what Biden makes of his first year of Middle East policy and what I make of three great books/comics.
Newsletter Here’s The Money You Raised To Protect Abortion Access in Texas And why we need to do this in the first place.
Newsletter A Murder Scheme Straight Out of Early Steely Dan Edited by Sam Thielman EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWS COMES FROM an indictment. The Justice Department will have to prove its accusations in court. People are innocent until proven guilty; cops lie; prosecutors lie; indictments are best understood as theories of a case. Imagine every sentence I write about this contains the
Newsletter CAIR Infiltrated by Islamophobic Organization; Alleges Israeli Connection A stunning betrayal by a trusted senior official goes back at least 13 years, and likely longer, the Muslim civil rights group said Thursday. And he may not be the only mole
Newsletter The Bastard Children of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force A first look at new research from the Brown University Costs of War Project. Plus: the global policeman turns off his body camera
Newsletter Behind The Guantanamo Theater Technocracy can make some good points, but it’s no match for War on Terror politics. The Biden administration sat this one out. Scenes from a Senate judiciary committee hearing
Newsletter The Peril and the Promise of Biden’s Drone Review The drone-strike reduction seems to be real. But so is the pull of the status quo, reflected in the Pentagon’s force-posture overview.
Newsletter Guantanamo Bay, From Cage To Threshold Dick Durbin says Guantanamo “does not reflect who we are or should be.” He’s right about that second part.
Newsletter A Song All By Himself Farewell to Stephen Sondheim, the best to ever do it. But from your bookshelf to your music stand to your Netflix queue, he can never truly be gone.
Newsletter Who Must Be A Terrorist, And Who Can Never Be If Ilhan Omar and Lauren Boebert are in an elevator together, the dangerous one isn’t Omar. Weird how the War on Terror instructs otherwise, huh