Newsletter The Summertime FOREVER WARS Work Slowdown Honestly? It's getting hot out and this newsletter is bleak. Let's take some deep breaths
Newsletter What America Does Abroad Is What America Does at Home Human life means nothing to America, domestically or internationally. We who live here will simply have to overcome America for the sake of those who can't. Not great
Newsletter Civil Libertarian Opposition To New Domestic-Terrorism Bill Weakens The Buffalo attack has given new life to a Democratic bill establishing domestic counterterrorism offices within DHS, DOJ and the FBI. The ACLU and others no longer oppose it.
Newsletter When Terrorism Is White, As It So Often Is Don't go looking for consistency in the application of counterterrorism. The only relevant consistency is America's tolerance of white terrorism, terror as American as apple pie.
Newsletter Who Becomes A "Terrorist" in Post-Roe America? The fusion centers that DHS set up early in the War on Terror can be used to police your uterus. No federal abortion ban necessary.
Newsletter The Defense Industry Is Winning in Ukraine I know, big surprise. But this stuff is worth tracking, especially as the war bogs down.
Newsletter NSA Gives $10 Billion Contract To Company With Ex-NSA Director on Its Board I simply do not know how Amazon, which entirely coincidentally put Ret. Gen. Keith Alexander on the same board as Jeff Bezos, swung this one. PLUS: Neal Adams, RIP.
Newsletter As Elon Musk Seizes Twitter, Watch His Pentagon Moves The world's wealthiest troll, who recently claimed his satellite array defeated a Russian attack, is the exact sort of bullshitter the Defense Department drools over.
Newsletter COVID-19, Season 3 Opener It's my turn to get the coronavirus and, unfortunately, I'm writing about it. Don't worry, this isn't going to be one of those Substacks.
Newsletter Life After Being The Center of The World The hüzün of Istanbul, rendered by Orhan Pamuk, has some lessons for an America that sees itself as the axis on which the earth rotates.
Newsletter How The Forever Wars Were (Mis)Reported For 20 Years I was honored to be part of this discussion with Azmat Khan, Murtaza Hussain and Alice Speri at the International Journalism Festival.
Newsletter Thirty Months To The Beginning of Extinction The IPCC's latest report is a grim reminder that the U.S.' response to the Russian aggression in Ukraine threatens the long-term viability of human life on earth.
Newsletter How The U.S. Moves in Europe vs. How The U.S. Moves in Asia Prepare for more U.S. troops permanently stationed in Europe. Meanwhile, the Transportation Command outlines some logistical problems for U.S. hegemony in the Pacific.
Newsletter Saving Ukraine vs. Defeating Russia A month into the invasion, these two goals look the same. Biden's regime-change line is a reminder of how divergent they are.
Newsletter Maybe Take It Seriously When Coup Advocates Talk About Throwing People in Guantanamo? I read Ginni Thomas' texts to Mark Meadows and it turns out that the longer a forever prison stays open, the worse an assumption it is that only Those People end up there
Newsletter The Second U.S. Sacrifice of Yemen A hidden casualty of Russia's Ukraine invasion is Yemen, as the Saudis and the Emiratis raise the cost for the U.S. of increasing oil production. It's an oil prince's world; people just die in it.
Newsletter His Torture Was 'On-The-Job-Practice' for CIA Interrogators' ‘Certification’ Langley's case for abusing Ammar Al-Baluchi was 'weak,' 'fuzzy and circular,' & 'extra-legal,' says a secret 2008 CIA inspector general report that FOREVER WARS is publishing for the first time.
Newsletter Report of the CIA Inspector General Regarding Allegations of Torture Made by Ammar al-Baluchi Paragraphs 35b to 145, redacted and unclassified
Newsletter Pentagon Official Rules That A Man The CIA Raped And Tortured Can Go Free Majid Khan's sentence has been reduced to time served. His lawyer doesn't expect bureaucratic subterfuge before Khan flies out of Guantanamo Bay.
Newsletter As The Invasion of Ukraine Goes On, Pressure To Escalate Goes Up The Biden administration is, correctly, against a no-fly zone. The problem will be keeping that politically tenable.
Newsletter Trust The CIA About What It Should Cover Up, Says Supreme Court The leading liberal on the Court expressed impressive credulity in blocking an attempt at justice for torture. But Abu Zubaydah's attorneys see a path forward.
Newsletter Making Ordinary Russians Suffer for Putin's Invasion Neither Putin nor his oligarchs will suffer from U.S. and European economic siege warfare—it's part of how Putin rose to power in the first place. Plus: a Xius ex machina?
Newsletter U.S. Bombs Somalia as Russia Bombs Ukraine You do not, in fact, have to choose between American and Russian imperial aggressions. Better to bear witness to what is being done in your name.
Newsletter Pennsylvania Man Charged With Torture Outside Official CIA Channels The Justice Department really had the nerve to boast about indicting its second U.S. citizen under the 1994 federal torture statute. Also: nothing about Ukraine.